Shrek is a 2001 American computer-animated fantasy-comedy movie produced by PDI/DreamWorks, launched by DreamWorks Photo, routed by Andrew Adamson and also Vicky Jenson, featuring the voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, and John Lithgow. It is freely based upon William Steig's 1990 fairy tale image publication Shrek!, as well as rather serves as a parody movie, targeting other movies adjusted from numerous youngsters's dreams (mostly animated Disney films). The film's soundtrack includes music by Hit Mouth, Eels, Joan Jett, The Proclaimers, Jason Wade, Baha Men, as well as John Cale (covering Leonard Cohen).
The legal rights to guides were originally bought by Steven Spielberg in 1991, before the founding of DreamWorks, when he thought of making a generally animated movie based on guide. However, John H. Williams persuaded him to bring the movie to DreamWorks in 1994, the time the workshop wased established, and the movie was put promptly right into active development by Jeffrey Katzenberg after the civil liberties were acquired by the studio in 1995. Shrek initially cast Chris Farley to do the voice for the title character, taping about 80%-- 90% of his discussion. After Farley passed away in 1997 before he could possibly finish, Mike Myers was brought in to help the character, that after his initial recording decided to record his voice in a Scottish accent. The film was also originally planned to be motion-captured, however after poor outcomes, the workshop chose to get PDI to help Shrek get its final computer-animated appearance.
Making $484.4 million at the globally box office, the film was an essential and commercial success. Shrek also obtained promotion from food chains such as Baskin-Robbins (ensuring the movie's DVD launch) and also Hamburger King. It was well-known as a computer animated film worthy of adult interest, with lots of adult-oriented jokes or even concepts yet an easy enough plot and also humour to appeal to youngsters. Shrek won the first ever Academy Award for Ideal Animated Feature and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Movie script. The movie was likewise nominated for 6 British Academy of Film and Tv Arts gives, including the BAFTA Award for Finest Actor in a Supporting Function for Eddie Murphy for his voice-over efficiency as Donkey, and won the BAFTA Honor for Best Adapted Screenplay. The movie's main (as well as title) personality was awarded his own celebrity on the Hollywood Stroll of Popularity in May 2010.
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