Hanamichi Sakuragi is a delinquent and the leader of a gang. Sakuragi is very undesirable with girls, having been rejected an unbelievable fifty times. In his initial year at Shohoku Secondary school, he satisfies Haruko Akagi, the lady of his dreams, as well as is overjoyed when she is not repelled or terrified of him like all the other girls he has actually asked out.
Haruko, acknowledging Sakuragi's athleticism, presents him to the Shohoku basketball team. Sakuragi is reluctant to sign up with the group at first, as he has no prior experience in sports as well as thinks that basketball is a game for losers (along with that the fiftieth woman rejected him for a basketball player). Sakuragi, despite his extreme immaturity and also intense mood, shows to be an organic athlete and joins the team, mostly in the hopes of thrilling and getting closer to Haruko. In the future, Sakuragi understands that he has actually involved actually enjoy the sporting activity, regardless of having previously played mostly as a result of his crush on Haruko. Kaede Rukawa-- Sakuragi's bitter opponent (both in basketball and also since Haruko has a substantial crush, albeit discriminatory, on Rukawa), the celebrity newbie as well as a "woman magnet"-- joins the team at the very same time. Not long after, Hisashi Mitsui, a skilled three-point shooter as well as ex-junior secondary school MVP, and also Ryota Miyagi, a brief however rapid point guard, both rejoin the team and also together these 4 battle to fulfill team leader Takenori Akagi's imagine winning the national championship. With each other, these misfits gain publicity and also the once little-known Shohoku basketball group becomes an all-star challenger in Japan.
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