JoJo's Unusual Journey volumes 29 to 47. In the fictitious Japanese community of Morioh in 1999, Jotaro arrives to expose to Josuke Higashikata (the kanji 助 in his name reads in the on'yomi type as jo) that he is the bogus boy of Joseph Joestar and also to alert him that Morioh is starting to be filled with Stand users due to a magical Bow and Arrow that presents Bases on those struck by the arrowheads.
After Josuke takes revenge on a Stand user who eliminated his grandpa, he agrees to aid Jotaro hound the holder of the Weapon, acquiring allies in Josuke's close friend Koichi Hirose, that is hit by the arrowhead, Okuyasu Nijimura, whose brother was utilizing the Arrow up until it was stolen from him, the famous manga musician Rohan Kishibe, or even his separated papa Joseph Joestar. Along the way, the group manages the different brand-new Stand users throughout Morioh, consisting of several of Josuke, Koichi, as well as Okuyasu's classmates, till the fatality of one of their buddies causes the exploration that a person of the brand-new Stand customers is the infamous serial killer Yoshikage Kira.
See more: finger family cartoon, finger family collection youtube, finger family english
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